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HomeGeoEventi GeoCopernicus Climate Change Service conferenza virtuale 18-20 Maggio

Copernicus Climate Change Service conferenza virtuale 18-20 Maggio

Dal 18 al 20 maggio 2021 la Conferenza europea del Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) “virtualmente” ospitata dall’Italia.
La sfida globale dei cambiamenti climatici richiede un’efficace strategia di adattamento e mitigazione. Per definirla è necessario avere a disposizione un sistema di monitoraggio affidabile del clima e l’accesso a dati, prodotti e servizi che siano affidabili e facilmente disponibili.

A fornire questo servizio gratuitamente in Europa è il Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), gestito per conto della Commissione Europea dal Centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche a medio termine (ECMWF – European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts).
Dal 18 al 20 maggio il Programma Copernicus ed ECMWF promuovono la 4a Conferenza e Assemblea Generale europea del C3S. Tre giornate di webinar e presentazioni online per fare il punto sugli ultimi sviluppi in tema di monitoraggio climatico e sulle azioni di adattamento e mitigazione al climate change. Sarà affrontato il fenomeno sempre più frequente degli eventi climatici estremi e le modalità con cui sviluppare servizi operativi in grado di rispondere alle esigenze dei diversi settori ambientali e produttivi. L’evento vede la partecipazione dei principali attori europei coinvolti nella produzione e nell’utilizzo di dati climatici, tra i quali ISPRA e il Sistema Nazionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente.
Quest’anno l’Assemblea generale è “virtualmente” ospitata dall’Italia, in collaborazione con il Forum Nazionale degli utenti di Copernicus.
La mattina del 20 maggio si terrà, inoltre, un side-event che coinvolgerà il Forum Nazionale degli Utenti di Copernicus e i Tavoli di Coordinamento nazionale in un confronto tra utenti istituzionali, comunità nazionale delle imprese ed ECMWF con lo scopo di discutere le potenzialità di sviluppo di servizi commerciali e istituzionali a valenza nazionale e regionale (downstream service) sulla base delle informazioni erogate dai Core Service di Copernicus.

Draft agenda

CEST Tuesday 18th May Wednesday 19th May Thursday 20th May
am Italian user workshop
14:30-16:00 Opening plenary Climate extremes Operational climate services
16:00-16:30 VIDEO POSTER SESSION (three rolling sessions)
16:30-18:00 Climate impact Climate resilience Evolving climate services

Moderator – Katrina Sichel

Opening plenary – This session focuses on the importance of robust and credible climate data and shares highlights from the first 5 years of Copernicus Climate Change Service and looks to how climate services can add value to the policy and societal landscape.

  • Jean-Noel Thepaut – ECMWF
  • Valerie Masson-Delmotte – IPCC
  • Gavin Schmidt – NASA
  • Mauro Facchini – DG DEFIS
  • Carlo Buontempo – ECMWF

Climate impact assessment and adaptation – From ‘data to policy’, this plenary session asks how Copernicus Climate Change Service can respond to the needs of the ‘adaptation’ community to deliver a selection of trusted climate impact indicators that can be used in monitoring and reporting. This session invites speakers representing the adaptation community, who will detail how C3S may support services serving the adaptation community, from Member States implementing National Adaption Strategies to the private sector.

  • Keynote: (8-10 min)
  • Short talks: (5 min)
    • Freja Vamborg – ECMWF
    • Susanne Mecklenburg – ESA CCI
    • Blaz Kurnik – European Environment Agency
    • Sam Almond – ECMWF
    • Francesca de’Donato – DEPLAZIO
  • Panel discussion: (25/30 min)

Extremes – Extreme events, such as flooding, heat waves, or intense storms, have the potential to cause considerable damage and impacts on people, infrastructure, and the environment. This session will focus on how C3S contributes to support disaster risk reduction policies and associated climate change adaptation strategies. The session will cover all aspects going from the characterization of extremes, to using hazard assessment to manage associated risk and how the information may be used to plan for reducing their potential impacts.

  • Keynote: (8-10 min) Erich Fischer ETH
  • Short talks: (5 min)
    • Paola Mercogliano – CMCC
    • Christel Prudhomme – CEMS
    • Ed Hawkins – University of Reading
    • Rob McSweeney – Carbon Brief
    • Fredi Otto – University of Oxford
  • Panel discussion: (25/30 min)

Climate resilience – Awareness of the risks climate change poses to society is increasing, however our knowledge and understanding of current climate risk, risk exposure and future climate risk is still in its infancy. This session invites speakers and panellists to share their expertise and discuss the role for C3S to provide data, services and solutions to improve resilience to future climate impacts.

  • Keynote: (8-10 min)
  • Short talks: (5 min)
    • Jana Sillmann – CICERO
    • Richard Dixon – University of Reading
    • Tiberiu-Eugene Antofie – Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre
    • Steve Denton – EUROCODES
    • Sandro Calmanti –ENEA
  • Panel discussion: (25/30 min)

Operational climate services – This session shows examples of how C3S operational service components are offering new opportunities in different sectors, at different timescales. The operational energy service provides datasets, applications and expertise, focussing on energy demand and renewable energy generation covering different timescales. The operational water service supports water managers with data regarding water allocation, use, flood management, and ecological status, to inform climate change mitigation strategies. The service also provides relevant data and information at the seasonal timescales.

  • Keynote: (8-10 min) Daniel Kull – World Bank
  • Short talks: (5 min)
    • Carlo Caccimani – Comitato di Indirizzo Agenzia ItaliaMeteo
    • Anca Brookshaw – ECMWF
    • Luis Samaniego – Helmholtz Centre
    • Laurent Dubus – RTE France
    • Laia Romero – Lobelia Earth
  • Panel discussion: (25/30 min)

Evolving climate services – How do climate services such as C3S support the broader policy agenda (Green Deal, net-zero, SDGs). This general assembly marks a watershed moment where we finalise the activities started in COP1, and look towards the implementation of COP2. How will technology, science and policy change over the next decade? How will climate services adapt to this changing landscape and maturing user market?

  • Short talks: (8 x 7 min)
    • Peter Bauer – ECMWF – Destination Earth
    • Paolo Ruti – EUMETSAT
    • Elena Manaenkova – WMO
    • Francesca Somma – DEFIS
    • Chris Hewitt – MetOffice
    • Andrea Taramelli – Copernicus Market Place
    • Sam Burgess – ECMWF
    • Carlo Buontempo – ECMWF

The plenary thematic sessions will be supported by interactive video sessions and a marketplace where C3S contractors have the ability to network and advertise services.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organization via

Per maggiori informazioni e registrazione

(Fonte: )

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