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Il JRC cerca Scientific Project Officer – Technological enablers for public sector geospatial data sharing

Are you passionate about data, maps & technology and want to have an impact on policy?
We are hiring!
A position is open at the JRC Digital Economy Unit on the INSPIRE contribution to data sharing & data-driven innovation. Il Joint Research Center cerca Scientific Project Officer – Technological enablers for public sector geospatial data sharing

Position for:

Member of the contract staff FG IV – art. 3b of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants uri=CONSLEG:1962R0031:20110101:EN:PDF)

We are:

As the science and knowledge service of the Commission, the mission of DG Joint Research Centre is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. The JRC is located in 5 Member States (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain). Further information is available at:
The current vacancy is in the Digital Economy Unit of the JRC Directorate Growth and Innovation (JRC.B.6). The Digital Economy Unit studies the current and emerging facets of digital transformation, and its impacts on the European economy, society and environment, in support of policies under the priority “A Europe fit for the Digital Age”. In particular, it provides techno-socio-economic research on the impacts and strategic role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies, data and digital platforms for the economy and society, and to support the modernisation of public sector. – Further

We propose:

The “Europe fit for the Digital Age” priority of the new European Commission, defines an ambitious political agenda that is strongly reliant on data-driven innovation. Within that broader context, the European Strategy for Data envisages the establishment of a single market for data through sector- specific data spaces where different actors (including the public sector, businesses, citizens, and academia) effectively share and reuse heterogeneous data in accordance with their specific needs and incentives. Multiple technical, organisational and legal issues should be addressed in order to ensure the
success of the Strategy with its high level of ambition and potential value added for Europe’s economy and society. From a technological perspective, enabling the sharing and utilisation of data on a pan- European scale will only be possible if bottlenecks are overcome and multiple enablers (e.g. novel technologies, well-established standards, appropriate tools, and scalable data infrastructures) are harnessed together.
Within this complex setting, geospatial data provided by the public sector is an important component that provides many opportunities, e.g. for the implementation of cross-border and cross-domain use cases. The process of modernising and streamlining the provision and utilisation of such data, and the interplay with the other actors in the data economy, is reinforced by the newly adopted INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation work programme (2021-2024). In addition, the forthcoming Implementing Act under the Open Data Directive aims at the provision and sharing of public sector high-value datasets, many of which will be geospatial.

Against this background, the jobholder will contribute to modernising the technical approaches for data sharing in INSPIRE in a manner that would streamline and simplify the requirements for both the user and providers of the data. To this end, the selected candidate will contribute to the conceptualisation of a modernised INSPIRE reference architecture, as an integrated part of the envisioned European Green Deal Data space. In addition, s/he will investigate the technical provisions and concrete approaches for the establishment and sharing of geospatial high-value datasets through the combination of different sources of information from public, private and generated by citizens. Finally, the candidate will act as bridge between science and policy and should therefore be able to relate research findings to the political priorities on data-related matters.

We look for:

A highly motivated, service-oriented, and independent scientist with a strong technical background and keen interest in EU policies and a good knowledge about the features of novel technologies and geospatial data and standards with:
• PhD or Masters degree (if combined with at least 5 year relevant research) in the field of
computer science, environmental engineering, geographic information science, or equivalent.
• Academic track record with an emphasis on data sharing, including e.g. the implementation of technologies, standardisation, geospatial data fusion, development and advanced use of open source tools, conceptualisation and validation of data architectures.
• Very good (C1) command of English language.
The following experience/knowledge is desirable:
• Very good in writing and communicating to scientific, policy, and business audiences, as well as the public.
• Project management experience.
• Experience in EU policy support in the area of data policies.
• International experience, incl. coordination of stakeholder working groups, collaboration
with/leading software communities, liaising with standardisation organisations.

Indicative contract’s duration:

36 months initial contract with possible renewals up to maximum 6 years.

Place of work:

Ispra (IT)

Rules and  eligibility:

To be eligible for the position, the candidate must be on a valid EPSO reserve list for Function Group IV contract staff. You can be added to an EPSO reserve list if you complete successfully an EPSO selection procedure. Candidates who are on a valid EPSO reserve list or have applied to an EPSO selection procedure can apply to this specific position through

How to apply to an EPSO selection procedure?

Apply either to the permanent EPSO call (CAST Permanent) or a specialised call for researchers group-IV-researchers

The CAST Permanent reserve list is used by a wide range of organisations (institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the European Union), whereas the specialised reserve list for researchers (JRC Call COM/1/2015/GFIV – Research) is mainly used by the JRC.

Recruitment policy:
• Cultivates a workplace based on respect for other people and the environment.
• Embraces non-discriminatory practices and equality of opportunity. In case of equal merit, preference will be given to the gender in minority.

(Fonte: JRC European Commission)

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